Here are 5 ways to show disagreement or to simply say “No” in French:
1. Non (pronounced as “nohn”). This is the most common and direct way to say “no” in french.
For example:
- Veux-tu aller à la plage ? (Do you want to go to the beach?)
- Non, je préfère rester à la maison. (No, I prefer to stay home.)
2. Pas du tout (pronounced “pah-du-too”) . This is another way of saying No in French, which simply means “not at all”, and it is used to emphasize disagreement.
- C’est un bon film, n’est-ce pas ? (It’s a good movie, isn’t it?)
- Pas du tout, je l’ai trouvé ennuyeux. (Not at all, I found it boring.)
3. Je ne pense pas (pronounced “jeune pons pa”). This simply means “I don’t think so”. It is a polite way to express doubt and show disagreement, in french.
- Penses-tu que nous pourrons finir le projet à temps ? (Do you think we’ll be able to finish the project on time?)
- Je ne pense pas, nous avons encore beaucoup de travail. (I don’t think so, we still have a lot of work to do.)
4. Je ne suis pas d’accord. (Pronounced “jeune si pa da-kor”) This means “I don’t or I do not agree” and it is used to strongly show disapproval or disagreement.
- C’est une bonne idée d’aller à la montagne, n’est-ce pas ? (It’s a good idea to go to the mountains, isn’t it?)
- Je ne suis pas d’accord, j’ai peur des hauteurs. (I don’t agree, I’m afraid of heights.)
5. C’est impossible (pronounced “seh em-po-si-bli”). This is also a beautiful way to say ‘No’ in french. It expresses impossibility and also emphasizes that something is not feasible.
- Pouvez-vous finir le rapport pour demain ? (Can you finish the report by tomorrow?)
- C’est impossible, j’ai besoin de plus de temps. (It’s impossible, I need more time.)